Sunday, July 5, 2015

Schedule for Fiji

We leave tonight just before midnight for Fiji.  So, here is the plan for the trip; where we are and when.

(Note:  We lose a day since we are crossing the international date line.)

Click hotel name for website

July 6-9:  Tokatoka Resort, Nadi, Viti Levu.

July 9-13:  Beachcomber Resort, Beachcomber Island

July 13-17:  Manta Ray Island Resort, Nanuya Belavu Island

July 17-18:  Blue Lagoon Beach Resort, Nacula Island

July 18-22:  Barefoot Manta Island Resort, Dawaqa Naviti Island

July 22-26:  Octopus Resort, Waya Island

July 26-28:  Naqalia Lodge, Wayasewa Island

July 28-31:  Bedarra Beach Inn, Coral Coast, Viti Levu

And July 31 we fly out to Melbourne, Australia!

Photos from our travel day/night with Pal.

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